We just finished this chapter book. It wasn't my favorite but the kids liked it. It has a cute plot. All the pets in a school come together at night for secret meetings called the Midnight Academy. Everyone thinks Malcolm is a mouse but really he is a rat. One of those books that gets really good right at the end.
I wanted to read this books for two reasons: (1) it was nominated for an award and (2) long ago during my teaching days. I let my fourth grade student convince me to save a small mouse from being fed to the snake in 5th grade. After much bribing they convinced me and so Speedy became part of our class. Meg and Owen love to hear my stories about Speedy who just like the mouse in this book was not a mouse at all but in the end was .... a rat!!
We stopped by Taco Bell last weekend to grab the kids a bite on our way home from the Hockey Day. Meg started crying while eating her taco and said, "I swallowed by tooth eating my taco...now the tooth fairy won't come." We assured her the tooth fairy understands and that she is use to this because it happens a lot with other kids! We found this note later.
Dear Tooth Fairy, I accidentally swallowed by tooth. I hope its ok. Love Meg
At here is a little video of Owen during the Hockey Day last week. For a kid that has been on the ice maybe 3 or 4 times, I think he is pretty amazing!! He practices on his roller blades for hours.