Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Reber Recap

Meg and our neighbor having fun with bubbles. 

 One of Meg and Owen's favorite stores is a local antique shop.  It just re-opened and we were so happy!

 such a fun place to poke around  - I also love the open windows!

 They always seem to find something. Owen bought a WWII newspaper and Meg bought a little glass horse.

 I took Owen to an army surplus store and he really enjoyed it.  We all found it super interesting.
Here are a few photos I snapped when we were out and about on one of our walks

 Sheep to the left ocean to the right

Meg reached 100 chapter books on her personal reading log!  She always has a book!   Not having the library has been a big adjustment. We have missed our weekly trips.  They are now offering curb side pick up on books you place on hold so we will give that a try!

Sweet memories in Italy. 

and that's a wrap!  Enjoying slow days with plenty of thrifting and reading.