Thursday, April 12, 2018

Reber Round-Up

We are wrapping up things here in Charleston.  I pass "Runner Man" almost everyday when I am out running.  I stopped him this week to tell him we are moving and I would miss seeing him in the mornings on our daily runs.  Funny how we never spoke until this morning and yet I felt like I knew him.  I'll really miss Runner Man.    
 There he goes!!
 Last road race here

 I saw a flyer at the local library saying Farmer Minor was coming to visit with his pig and pugs.  I had to see what this was all about.  Meg and I headed out and boy were we in for a treat!!
 Farmer Minor is a true farmer and he travels all around the U.S. taking Daisy his pig and his pugs to visit libraries to share his story and the fact that Daisy LOVES books.  She has hundreds of her very own library cards.

 Meg and I totally loved this library program and we laughed so much.

 Daisy we loved meeting you and we agree books and libraries are the BEST!!

A few of our favorites:

Meg and I love this CD by Christy Nockels.  You can find it on Amazon Prime music.
 We searched high and low for this specific essential oil.  It is the current oil in Meg's diffuser and we all love it! found it at Bed, Bath and Beyond
 Meg and I headed to our last Yoga class. We were sad because we love our Yoga instructor.  She surprised us with a going away gift... this yoga book....we plan on checking out yoga at our next location.  Her classes were a blessing!!
 These two cuties!!  I know there will be tears next week.  These girls spend hours together and have grown super close.  We are going to miss this special friend!!  Prayers for Meg... it's going to hit hard when she can't run out, grab her bike and take off.

Meg had her last riding lesson.   

 You can tell she is not super happy that this is her last visit out to the barn.

And the moving truck has arrived.   Packing and more packing.

 Outdoor picnics when your table is gone
 Poor Owen - his orthodontist put in a major appliance this week that will bring his lower jaw out.  Poor kid is in so much pain and his mouth is filled with all kinds of metal!!  After his last visit - I treated him to Smoothie King.  We had never had one of these!  Wow!! They are amazing!   Hopefully after a few days he will get use to all this new hardware in his mouth.
and that's a wrap!!
Signing off until we travel across the states to our new location

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Weekly Round-Up

We said Good-bye to the Citadel last week.  

Meg has one final riding lesson before we leave and she is going to be so sad.  She has loved her riding teacher and the sweet horses Jesse and Casper.  

 Owen and Meg love to build these fantastic domino mazes while I read.
 Easter packages from Switzerland = chocolate!! You would be amazed to see how fast these goodies disappear!!  Thank you P'tite Mom!!

 It is a tradition to get these sweet little Swiss Coop chocolate bunnies.  I heard Owen say to Meg, "Don't eat the white ones or Dad will get super mad."  Pascal always claims the white chocolate ones!!
 We are super excited to try this pasta that Pascal's cousin makes.  P'tite Mom heads over to her place once a week and helps her package it.  They grind their own wheat to make it and it cooks in only 2 min.  We can't wait to try this!!
 Meg got a flat tire this week and we were hoping a good pump-up would fix it but the next morning it was completely flat again.  boo - to flat tires    Meg is on her bike a lot!  Immediate new tire on agenda for this week!!
 Sometimes little kids come over to watch Owen play hockey.  Owen brought this little guy in the house to get some water and I heard the little guy say, "Owen you're the best" as he walked out.

 On Easter we headed to the beach for a few hours
 Last week we took the kids to see the Billy Graham Library - and we so enjoyed this outing.
 Meg and I loved the house he grew up in.  We thought the kitchen was so sweet.
 We took the tour and thought it was super well done.

 at the end you can walk around the gift shop but check out his personal library held in glass cases above the gift shop.  Over three thousands of his books.  I loved this.

 We treated ourselves to some ice-cream from the Dairy Bar when the tour was over.

 It was such a great experience to visit this place - I must see for anyone in the area!!
 You can only imagine how excited I was to see this when I was out on a walk.
 But when I picked it up I found this.......and then I was only half excited!  I brought it home and told Owen I found some money on my walk and he could have it!!  He wasn't even half-way excited.
Only a few days of normalcy left.  Big changes ahead.  It doesn't quite feel real yet  I think it will feel super real when the moving truck pulls into our driveway.  Hello April we are a little nervous you are here!