Sunday, October 8, 2017

Reber Round - Up


It's been a busy few weeks.  We've headed to the beach a few evenings and the kids love this.

 We are on our bikes every morning doing our morning loop!
 tickles me how Meg rides with no shoes
 This week we whipped up some banana bread.... it didn't last long.
 This is what happens when the lunch lady at HIS Academy calls in sick.....

 We did a little beautification project at HIS Academy.  (Mums were on sale for $1.00 at Lowes, Meg also fished some out of a dumpster and the lady at the counter said she could have them for 25 cents!
 Meg received another box of clothes from our dear friends.  Here she is modeling a few outfits.  She has a new fall/winter wardrobe!

 I saw an advertisement for a magic show on post.  Meg loves magic so we went as a family.  It was a fun evening!

 Here is a shot of Meg's face when the magician was cutting a lady in half!

Our most exciting news!! P'tite Mom came for a visit!!  We haven't been together for four years!!  We just love having her here.  She is only here for 10 days so we are busy taking her to our favorite places.
 Shem Creek

 Picnic at the park close to where Pascal works

The Citadel 

 She loves the beach!

 Owen and Meg's thing is digging holes and making a "fort".  They work and work and make "stairs" and "a sink" - (the bucket).  They spend hours digging.
 We took P'tite mom to our favorite snow cone place.
 Owen got the grim reaper  - the most sour flavor they have.  I took one tiny bite and about choked.

 We ventured to Magnolia Gardens - this was our first visit there so we all enjoyed exploring.

 It was like walking in a an enchanted forest.  It was super cool
 We took a boat ride

 They had a little petting zoo and the deer were so sweet

 Meg the card shark
 We've been working on a 1000 piece puzzle  - it's a doozie
 Walks by the harbor

 Last competition of the season!  P'tite mom went with us to Laurinsburg, NC where we competed for the last time this year.
 Owen getting a strawberry shortcake
 this kid + food = happy
 I think little pipers are the cutest

And here is this guy snoozing again  - in the midst of pipes  - it just amazes me.

 it rained a lot during the day

We still have a few days together before she leaves.  I'm not going to think about her leaving.... there will be tears.

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