Thursday, July 13, 2017

What We've Been Up To

We head to the beach in the evenings and sometimes Owen and Meg just dig and play in the sand.

 We found this neat park with a little spray pad.  I am finding my kids are no longer excited about things like this.  It seems we are moving into a new age category.  Kinda makes me sad.... sniff... sniff

 They did get super excited about this package from Amy!! Big shout out to Amy and her family who spoiled us with some summer toys, reading and activities!!!
 Owen is in charge of trash and the recycling bin.  Sometimes I like to just see how much stuff I can get into it before he will notice it needs to be taken out.  Please note this example.  Here the bin is building but do you think he noticed it??   .......nope
 Also please note how Owen likes to cut the cheese............Literally Cut the cheese....I mean who does this?
 Still building....
 still digging
 Making Owen and Meg's infant crib into a coffee table.  It is really turning out well.  Almost done... stay tuned.
 Hooray Pascal came home for 3 days!!  This has been a tough summer with him being gone.  The days are super HOT and long and without dad just plain hard.  So ready to be a family again!!
 I feel like I have a toddler again... wherever we go Owen needs a snack.
 forever snacking and eating....
 I played a gig with the band downtown

 our pool has paddle boards.... how cool is that

 and this blow up slide
Meg's shoes and dress are some of our latest thrift store finds.  Meg and I started volunteering at the Thrift Store on Post.  Meg loves working there.  I'l have to post some pics.  

 We ride our bikes a lot and we are always on the look out for what is called:  A CURB ALERT.   A curb alert is stuff someone has put down at the end of their drive way on trash day that they don't want.  We scored this table and chairs a few weeks ago!!  Meg will sometimes come running in and inform us of where a curb alert is.  We have found shoes, a boogie board, and now this patio set!
FREE, FLEA or FIND three of our favorite words in the Reber household.

1 comment:

  1. Meg your hair is getting so long!!!!! Can't wait to see a picture of your coffee table. I can't believe we did not get to Charleston this summer....We so hope we get there next year!
