Sunday, September 27, 2015

Weekly Round-Up!

Owen has been playing goalie which is incredible...but makes me incredibly nervous!

We checked out another nature center last week.  They had a very cool playground.

 We are wrapping up our study of Jewish feast and holidays.  The kids have loved this.  Meg made some Stars of David.  It was perfect timing to study this as Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur coincided with our study.

 We covered our door to represent Passover.
 We finished Heidi a few weeks ago and this was such an amazing book!  The kids loved it and it rocketed to the top of our favorite book list!  This was such a special book.  It truly touched us and we saw the hand of God all through this book.
 I showed the kids how to make a "Bloom ball".  We talked about the characters, setting, author, and compared the movie to the book.

 Owen really enjoyed learning about the Tabernacle.

 Pascal went to Washington for a few days we wish we could have gone with him.

 We enjoyed Apple Day -  a day filled with activities and demonstrations.

Meg and Owen couldn't wait to watch the working dog demonstration.

 Owen and his buddy taking each other out!

 Meg has been into building Lego stables.
 and tons of bike rides!

 and that's a wrap!

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