Flowers and Walks
I saw an advertisement where a local farm was having a "You Pick Day." You paid $10 and you could pick as many flowers as you wanted! I knew Miss Meg would love this. She is such a little gardener. So we ended our school day a little early and worked this in as a "Field Trip Friday" event.
We thought this was so cute! Hard to believe there was a time when Owen and Meg would have been so excited about getting to take a ride in this.
strawberries so sweet you could smell them in the air!
Meg going strong
Here come the kids again... we had fun waving at them
The little flower cart where you could pay
The gift shop inside
the garden shop
finished product
Meg's tomato plants showing real promise
Her little garden
back to CVS for more floats
Owen has been taking lesson here locally in flying remote controlled airplanes and drones. He absolutely loves it and the gentleman giving him lessons is great. Apparently Owen has a real knack for it. The instructor was shocked at how easily he picked it up.
Meg filled another "Pops for Joy" this week. We think this makes a pretty sweet gift for a kid.
Pascal and I were thrilled when the kids got their acceptance letters this week for Hogwarts. We couldn't decided if we should go private, charter or homeschool. This solved the dilemma.
Ha! actually they were giving away free Harry Potter stuff at our local Target. I think it was a promotion for a new lego set. Anyway, we actually thought this letter was pretty cool and so we put it up in our school room. Meg and Owen also got a poster to color of the Gryffindor logo and they worked hard coloring that - we counted that as art one day!
The kids were cranky and bickering one day and so I have found going on a long walk helps! So off we go. We chat and laugh along the way and the crankies are left behind. This is our favorite spot
Owen searches, digs and combs the grounds for "treasures." He brings his trusty little green shovel. He LOVES finding stuff and could stay out here for hours. Actual Quote from Owen the other night:
"Mom!! MOM!" "I found somethings so COOL but then I kept trying to get the rust off and I discovered it was dog poop!" "Gross huh?"
Just what every mom wants to hear! What a find!!
I pray a lot when I am out here. You see how big God is and your heart just swells up with praise. I also pray for protection against germs for Owen.
and that's what we have been up to