Friday, November 28, 2014

Meg got her very own package filled with clothes from Amy!  Here is a little fashion show for you!  We can't thank you enough! 

We decided to give Family Bingo a try.  Here is Meg getting ready.
She took this very seriously! 
                                                The prizes were pretty awesome.
                                The kids wanted to win so bad but in the end we walked away empty handed!

 I snapped a few pics while out on a run

This picture was unprompted!  I thought it was so sweet and I was so glad I had the camera in my pocket.  They didn't even know I took a picture!  This was one afternoon walking home from school.
                                                               Meg LOVES accessories.
I always get a kick out of school photos!  I thought it was so cute that Owen wanted to wear a tie in his picture!  Mr. Dapper!

 I was teaching fifth grade last week!  I love this age!  Right before Thanksgiving Break I had them do some research on the Mayflower.  I had 12 questions they had to answer while doing their research.  Each correctly answered questions was worth $20 "fake" dollars.  They could then use the money to buy supplies to build their own boat.  They had to sketch and label their design using their tablets and then build their boat.  I wish I had taken more pictures... their designs were amazing.  Here are just two examples.  They were trying to build a boat that could hold the most weight.

                                                   floating the boats and adding coins
  in the end the winning boat held 211 coins!!
We had our first dusting of snow.  Everyone is saying it is going to be a winter with ALOT of snow.  So the Rebers are preparing.  We already had this sled from Germany.  We found this one beside someone trash in the Spring.   We even knocked on their door to double check that they were throwing it away, they said, "take it if you want it!"
                 I've been stocking up at the Goodwill.  I thought this one had Owen's name on it.
                                                      Can't go wrong with the classic disk!
 This little goodie Owen and I found today!  I was so excited.  Just the look of it made me laugh.  The sticker on it said,  01 Zipfy Freestyle Mini Luge.  I did a quick look up on my cell phone and it had some good reviews!  What I love is that it cost $5.00 and even if it is a bust we didn't break the bank.  Owen sat on it at Goodwill and said, "I think we should go for it Mom!" Stay tuned for some pics of me on the Zipfy!  I can't wait to try that thing!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

We did out first road race as a family.  Well, almost.  Meg scootered it!  It was a Glo Run our first and the kids loved it!  There was music, free glow sticks and dad who pushed Meg on her scooter.  A great time!

A fashion shot of Meg.  She is getting a haircut next week so stay tuned!

 Artwork by Meg

Was a busy week of teaching.  Teaching 5th grade next week!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

It was a busy week!  Here we are dressed up for Halloween.  Meg LOVES Rosie the Riveter and so we pulled this little outfit off with the help of the Goodwill and iron on letters!


 Owen has an amazing teacher.  On Friday she asked the students to come as book characters.  Owen was to play the part of Commander Brave.  The students then went to the library to read parts in order to solve a mystery.  I was so impressed with their creativity in coming up with costumes.  It was so much fun to watch the kids read their parts and try to figure out who had "slayed the dragon."  Even his teacher played the part of a librarian named "Ms. McFuddle".  The kids were super into it and everyone wanted to know WHO DID IT?  Well, after examining evidence, and interviewing suspects......Commander Brave was guilty!!
  Owen's classmate Daniel was told to play "Bucky Dollars" an author who pens books on how to become rich.  I thought his costume was great!

The school had a costume parade through the halls in the school and then paraded through the gym for the parents.  Here comes Meg's Class!

                                                    Meg with one of her best friends!
 Then they played games and had a party!
Meg and I are feeling nervous!  We have been practicing hard ringing bells for the hand bell choir. We will be performing two pieces for our church service in just a few weeks.  In one song we are playing the largest bells they have.  Meg was so cute and wanted her very own pair of white gloves so we picked some up and she takes it very serious! She even highlights our music!  Already praying it will go well!

and that's a wrap!