Saturday, February 15, 2014

Meg lost her first tooth!  It is kinda hard to tell but if you look closely it is on the bottom.  Lately she has been into tying scarfs into her hair.  She lets the tails either hang in the back or she brings them over her shoulders.  She is quite the fashionista!

Owen's school hosted Donuts with Dad.  Owen loves to do anything and everything with Pascal!  They are quite the pair! .  When he was walking out the door he told me not to feel bad because in the Spring they are going to have Muffins with Mom.  Thank goodness I said!  I was starting to feel jealous. 

I thought Owen's teacher had the best idea.  She had all of her students write Valentines to each other in class.  I was thrilled with this idea, I really don't care for the cheapie box type.  Owen brought home a big stack on Friday and I thought they were so sweet.  Here is just a sample of a few.

 For a Valentines treat I decided to try the ever popular Fruit Pizza.  They are everywhere on pintrest and they look beautiful.  The designs people come up with are amazing.  I started out with inspiration and wanted to make a design hence the line of blueberries but then I became weary and decided on the collage effect.  Anyway, the results are in and Team Reber decided this was an amazing dessert!  Design or no design!

Owen made me this cool crystal heart at school.  He somehow used Borax and a pipe cleaner.  He was so proud of it!
Meg's teacher had the kids take carnations and put the stems into food coloring.  Each child got to pick the color they wanted their flower to become!  You should have seen the kid's faces carrying their treasures to the car to present to me!  I love these sweet homemade gifts. 

         So happy we get an extra day off this weekend! Hope everyone enjoys their long weekend!

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