Here is one of Meg's famous outfits. She came out of her room and said, "Mom, I like to call this my chocolate chip outfit....because I am all brown." (Thank goodness we were only headed out for a bike ride.)
We've read some good books in the past few weeks. Number the Stars really tied in with a lot of the historical places we have visited.

I was so fortunate one day at the thrift store and happened upon a bag of books a person had just dropped off. We scored 20 books for $2.00 and there were some real treasures in there! Here are the ones we have read so far.
A Nest for Celeste was a fabulous book about a little mouse who is looking for a home. He meets Joseph a young boy who is Audubon's apprentice. We LOVED the pictures in this book...this one was a winner!
Daisy Dawson - reminds me so much of Meg. These books are about a little girl who can communicate with animals. Meg's favorite character is the hound dog named Boom (he was born on the 4th of July). I love using my voice to create different accents for characters and this one was so much fun because each animal created a different opportunity to do that.
I had never heard of the Tiara Club but we are hooked! These books are so cute. The girls in these books are attending the Royal Palace Academy in order to becomes Perfect Princesses. They always include a little lesson about being a true friend, how to treat others, or how a true Princess should act. Meg LOVES these books! I also think it is super cute how the author hides words in the pictures in the book in which you can find and then enter onto their website and print out different activity sheets. The author Vivian French lives in Scotland and has written over 200 books!
Here Meg is working on some of her worksheets from the website!
We have collected many of the American Girl books from the Recycle Center. We just finished this one. I really like them because they are period based. This was one set during the Depression and included real pictures of the time period at the end.
Owen hard at work on his journal. He is on book 5 of the Andrew Lost series.
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