We go to the carwash! We take a bucket and soap and pull up to the hose on base and the kids get to have fun and I get a clean car!

We go to the German Recyling Center. Here we are as we pull up....I'm full of excitment at this point.

We enter through th gardening section...look at all the beautiful flower pots.

Once inside the warehouse you enter what I like to refer to as, "The junk yard Barnes and Noble" Love how they have a couch where you sit a spell and read a book.

Then we hit the toy section. My motto is: "Look hard guys there are treasures hiding." Meg and Owen love to look through this stuff and once in awhile we come away with a real find!
VBS Preperation! These are the crafts Meg and I came up with to do with our class. We start VBS this week and we are excited to share God's word with his children. I will be working with the 3 and under crowd. I know it will be a fun (and exhausting) week!
I wish I could hop a flight with the boys, I would go everyday to the recycling center (upgrade from dumpster diving) AND put my boys in your class so they can make all those wonderful crafts! So fun Grace! -B