Lately Pascal has been having to work super long days and weekends. At times I find that I am running on empty and just can't seem to get everything done. I ran out of bread one day and had some hot dog buns. Perfect, I thought. So I made Owen a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on a hot dog bun cut it in half and thought, he probably won't even notice. I picked up Owen from school and as we rode home he said, "Mom, tomorrow for lunch I don't think I'll have the hot dog bun sandwich." I replied with, "Oh sorry about that buddy, I ran out of bread." I giggled a little and thought that was a very nice way of saying, "Mom, the hot dog bun sandwich was a dud."

Here is Owen with his soccer trophy. We missed the last 3 games because of his arm but he enjoyed the season. I think we are all feeling the pre-deployment jitters. Last week we decided to eat lunch with Owen at school on Meg's birthday. We went into the cafeteria to find Owen and when he saw us he immediately teared up. Big fat tears started to roll down his face. I quick spied a janitor closet at the end of the cafeteria and took Owen over for a little talk. The conversation went as follows:
Owen - "Mom, I just need to see dad"
Me - "Well, buddy he is at work, why are you crying?"
Owen - "Mom we had like 5 pages of math, and it is Meg's birthday and I shouldn't have to go to school on Meg's birthday and I'm just having one of those tough days, you know the kind where you just want to go home and see dad ....and I had 5 pages of math!
Me - Well, just because I come to eat with you doesn't mean I'm here to bail you out of school but I know what you mean about tough days so let's go home."
I don't know if that was the "right" decision but it was my "heart" decision and for now I'm gonna go with that!
Here is a picture of Owen's class having their Pumpkin Party
Meg and I were in charge of the station called, "Will it float or sink?"
The children had to guess whether or not a big fat pumpkin would sink or float when put into a container of water. Almost of all the kids guessed it would sink. Their eyes were so cute when it just floated right to the top!

Here is Owen at the measuring table.
Before we left he wanted to make sure I saw his "scary story."
We had his first teacher conference today. The teacher said, "Owen is such a shining star, he just gets along with everyone and everyone wants to be his friend." My prayer for Owen since before he was born is that he would have a sweet and gentle spirit. So proud of my buddy!