Meg and I were at the Recycling Center sorting our trash when a man pulled up and dropped off this bike. I knew Owen would love it, he has a "cute" little German bike but this is more his speed! He told me I can take the "cute" German bike to the Recycling Center! So we upgraded! Owen has been riding it everyday since we got it!

Last weekend we took the kids to the highest mountain in Heidelberg. At the top they have a little park called "Paradise Mountian." The kids loved it, you buy lilttle tickets and then the kids can pick what rides they want to use their tickets on. Owen had to ride this motercyle.

Meg wanted to ride the horse, as long as Owen was with her!

The train was a hit!

And Owen had to steer the boats twice!
The view from the top. This is the town of Heidelberg.

Meg always dresses herself, does her hair and picks out her accessories. Today, I was in her room and found a pair of sweat pants in her dresser. I said Meg, why don't you wear these? With a very shocked look, she just nodded her head no. I am amazed at only 4 she seems to know that sweat pants are just not that cool!